More about us
What We Do
We have an efficient team of qualified counselors with sound knowledge in studying abroad admission process. Not only do they have instant information about universities and Colleges in the UK but also will be able to help you make right career choices. During the counseling sessions, you will understand that Jokings Educare do have the resourcefulness to provide a safe launch pad for your overseas education. We give special attention to you, highlighting the areas essential for a well presented education structure, assisting with all the admission documents like Letters of Recommendations, the Statement of Purpose etc., clearing doubts about which course to choose, providing the information about university locations, Funding opportunities, Part-time job availability, Safety measures and a wide range of other tips for happy overseas education experience across the UK universities and colleges.
Our Team
Our team members, with an overall experience of several years in education abroad, are self-motivated and bring all their energies to our core philosophy - student-first. As an organization, we work in an amicable environment where everybody is interwoven into the activity of coordinating with each other to bring optimal success to the company and its students. With proven efficiency, our team of professionals can answer your queries on varied topics related to education in the UK.
Enhancement of Profile & Career Counselling
UK Admission process typically evaluates the student on the basis of the UG degree percentage, number of backlogs, GRE score, English Proficiency TOEFL/IELTS scores and the academic track record. We at, Jokings Educare, will assess students’ profile on the same parameters for effective counselling. We advise students on areas which need improvement for making the right career choices and securing guaranteed UK admissions.